Poster Presentation Australian Diabetes Society and the Australian Diabetes Educators Association Annual Scientific Meeting 2016

Just Beat-It! Dia-Beat-It! (#376)

Carolyn Foley 1 , Meredith Henderson 1 , Katrina Singh 1
  1. Mercy Health, Werribee, VICTORIA, Australia

The prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) within the Wyndham LGA is 5.6% and increasing as compared to Victorian state wide prevalence of 5.0%¹. The Health Independence Program (HIP) at Werribee Mercy Hospital ‘Dia-Beat-It’ program is an integrated care program consisting of group diabetes education and exercise, tailored to improving the health and wellbeing of those attending over 8 weeks.

The Dia-Beat-It program aims to decrease individual health complications and decrease demand on the acute care health sector. The evaluation focused on program relevance and efficacy for participants in terms of their health literacy, fitness levels and dietary habits in the context of diabetes management. The evaluation explored themes around client engagement, client led health education and individualisation of the group program.²

Pre and post evaluation was conducted via 6 minute walk tests, HbA1c, quality of life survey, client quiz & most significant change (MSC) questionnaire. Participants guided program development through personal reflection and group feedback.

Program Highlights and evaluation findings:

  • Program flexibility in targeting educational content to be client centred and informal in delivery.
  • Multidisciplinary program support to target individual clients’ needs.
  • Small intimate class size enables non-judgemental and inclusive space for sharing stories and experiences. “If this group was bigger I wouldn’t speak so openly”.
  • Participants report increased motivation to exercise : “I am moving more, with greater ease and I feel more confident with my movement”
  • Improvement of diabetes self-management via improved blood glucose self- monitoring.
  • Focus on basic diabetes education & individual support plans.
  • Participants demonstrate improved identification of carbohydrates

The information gained through this extensive evaluation will serve to inform our practice. The program has established stronger client pathways through the health system to ensure our clients & carers are discharged from the Health Independence Program with the necessary skills for diabetes self-management.³

  1. 1: Accessed online 12/04/2016
  2. 2: Middleton,R., Moxham,L. & Parrish,D. (2015) “Diabetes, Older People and Exercise: Recommendations for Health Promotion Programs. “ ANMJ- Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal 23-9 p 32.
  3. 3: Department of Health, Commonwealth of Australia (2015) Australian National Diabetes Strategy 2016-2020.