Masterclass Australian Diabetes Society and the Australian Diabetes Educators Association Annual Scientific Meeting 2016

New role for the RN-CDE, expanding health professional care of people with type 2 diabetes in primary care (#38)

Louise Ginnivan 1 , Jo-Anne Manski-Nankervis 1 , John Furler 1
  1. Department of General Practice, The University of Melbourne, Carlton, Vic, Australia

The aim and learning objectives
Aim: To introduce registered nurse, credentialed diabetes educators (RN-CDEs) to a model of professional practice for supporting General Practitioners (GPs) and Practice Nurses (PNs) in treatment intensification, in particular initiation of insulin, in primary care for people with type 2 diabetes (T2D).

Learning Objectives:

  • To understand the rationale for a reoriented professional practice model in primary care

  • To become familiar with the principles of a model of professional practice based on a CDE mentoring role for GPs and PNs in implementing treatment intensification for people with T2D in primary care

The Stepping Up model of care, based on an enhanced role for the PN supported and mentored by the RN-CDE, has been proven effective, with clinically significant reduction in glycaemic levels without deterioration in quality of life. The session will be a mixture of presentations interspersed with practical role playing for the health professional education aspect, assistance with motivational interviewing skills, therapy options to be considered, and discussion about pathology relating to diabetes care.

The RN-CDE is the only category of CDE managing diabetes exclusively. The expertise this allows can be more widely distributed and utilised if we train, mentor and support primary care health professionals assisting with progression of therapy (including injectables), and practical dietary and exercise management. Integrating the availability of frequent clinic visits to the referring GP with a competent PN (as only a few Medicare funded visits are available to the diabetes educator) will be discussed.

We present this model to assist diabetes specialist trained people (endocrinologists and diabetes educators), to increase primary carers diabetes management knowledge, to enhance the care of the ever expanding number of people with type 2 diabetes.